
We are proud to collaborate with a diverse network of partners who share our vision and values. These partnerships are integral to our mission, allowing us to achieve our goals and make a lasting impact in our field.

If you’re interested in exploring partnership opportunities with us, please contact our Partnership Team at Together, we can achieve more and create a brighter future for eye health care. Thank you for considering a partnership with us.

Educational supporter

Corporate supporter

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    Educational Institutions

    Aalen University Of Applied Sciences
    Beuth University of Applied Sciences
    City, University of London

    Copenhagen School of Design & Technology
    Czech Technical University In Prague
    Erhvervsakademi Dania Danish College of Optometry and Visual Science-Optikerhojskolen
    Facultat d’Òptica i Optometria de Terrassa (FOOT) (Escuela Universitaria de Optica y Optometria de Terrassa)
    FHNW Institute of Optometry
    Hadassah Academic College, Department of Optometry
    Institut et Centre d’Optométrie (ICO)
    Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências
    Medical Faculty of Masaryk University
    Palacky University
    Tallinn Health Care College
    University of Novi Sad
    University of South-Eastern Norway
    University of Ulster

    Professional bodies

    Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging Van Contactlensspecialisten (ANVC)
    Associacao De Profissionais Licendiados De Optometria (APLO)
    Association of Latvian Optometrists and Opticians

    Association of Optometrists Ireland
    Associazione Laureati in Ottica e Optometria – ALOEO
    Consejo General de Colegios de Ópticos-Optometristas

    Finnish Association of Vision and Eyecare
    Norges Optikerforbund (Norwegian Association of Optometry)
    Optical Association of Slovenia
    SBAO (Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Augenoptik und Optometrie)-Swiss Society of Optometry and Optics
    Serviceforbundet – Urmagerne og Optikerne
    The College of Optometrists
    Uniao Profissional dos Opticos e Optometristas Portugueses (UPOOP)
    Visser Contactlenzen
    Visus Members the leading Opticians
    Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
    Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
    WKO Niederösterreich

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    Unlock a world of opportunities in optometry and optics by becoming a member of the EAOO community. Join us today and embark on a journey of professional growth, knowledge sharing, and innovation!

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